Religious Occasion Cakes

Christening & Religious Celebration Cake Gallery

A selection of different religious cakes including christening cake, baptism cake, confirmation cake, naming day cake and more.

All hand made to order in a variety of flavours. Prices start from £70.

Contact Us for more information.

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// T E X T U R E //

A pretty Christening cake we created using buttercream and dried flowers to create a natural, boho style😍

#mccreligious #mcckids
•• B E A U T I F U L ••
Is the only word to describe our Swan Princess 1st Birthday cake.
We love it when our customers give us a theme and let us get creative.
Swans. Blush Pink. Marble. Rose Gold. This really is a cake of dreams. #mcckids #mccreligious
Loved the simplicity of this 1st Birthday Cake. We think it would also look great for a christening cake. #mcckids #mccreligious
A cute choo-choo train was the expectant parents request for this baby shower cake.
Not only did they know the sex of their baby, they’d already picked his name and wanted to share with friends and family! #mcckids #mccreligious
Ho9escrumptious does our 3 tiered semi na-scr268SqGGEPQ7rWGhA&amGd0Dcj I6698wKxUtzJQh0ydQ6-x6XmQezjg&oe=669CFB78","320":"httphCkOMnGjuys40rpYOEKPSr9HlJ0dOUf_n9t3CMYIaN 0,0,0,0.85D079Aa-clone fa-w-16 sbi_lightbox_carousel_icon" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Clone" data-fa65920127_2283662158565402_3526521758719601266="sbi_caption">Ho9escrumptious does our 3 tiered semi na-scr268SqGGEPQ7rWGhA&amGd0Dcj I6698wKxUtzJQh0ydQ6-x6XmQezjg&oe=669CFB78","320":"httphCkOMnGjuys40rpYOEKPSr9HlJ0dOUf_n9t3CMYIaN 0,0,0,0.85D079Aa-clone fa-w-8-48v-48h48c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM362 464H54a6 665920127_2283662158565402_3526521758719601266="sbi_caption">Ho9escrumptious does our 3 tiered semi na-scr268SqGGEPQ7rWGhA&amGd0Dcj I6698wKxUtzJQh0ydQ6-x6XmQezjg&oe=669CFB78","320":"httphCkOMnGjuys40rpYOEKPSr9HlJ0dOUf_n9t3CMYIaN 0,0,0,0.85D079Aa-clone fa-w-bi_hover_top">

Ho9escrumptious does our 3 tiered semi na-scr268SqGGEPQ7rWGhA&amGd0Dcj I6698wKxUtzJQh0ydQ6-x6XmQezjg&oe=669CFB78","320":"httphCkOMnGjuys40rpYOEKPSr9HlJ0dOUf_n9t3CMYIaN 0,0,0,0.85D079Aa-clons

<46OQXlnEDLE7C_WCIOlUrlKQ8vHga_Ku1tkKpUfFMMa(0,0,0,0.85)\/v\/t51.2885-15\/75266913_176018380213663_8652702035089808755_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de643vgF27_1248299392012943_648350tent-217264YzJH4rwQ7kNvgGevdFC9Lg&oe=669CEBC1","320":&qN7xipx7CJgWGhA&amHu5z216V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h308a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v308a6 6 0 0 1-6 6z"> A_mGW-TPH1CDuCzYTzw_iTuJJCP5aZ85)fpzaqx5mvA3851.2885-15\D74C;_nc_ohc=7YsUW5maU2MQ7kNvgED-Oye&_nc_ht=scontent-cp93662268354098vely fo_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=tfrRfgzTZJIQ7kNvgF25WwS&","640":"https:\/\/\/v\/t51.2885-15\/75266913_176018380213663_8652702035089808755_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=tfrRfgzTZJIQ7kNvgF25WwS&"}"> LOVED creating this Jemima Puddle duck cake for little Harlow’s first birthday. .
Being given free reinzLwtKhA-0Z-cph2-1.e could use all of our favourite techniques on one cake. #mcckids57125874_23und:36620   25_8731881866654189896-96H150a6 6 0 0 4e. #mccreligious